Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The End...

Stealing a title from dear ol' Lemony. I enjoy Online learning. This has been a great experience. I have not worked for any other employer who values staff education at such a high level. The dedication by management to insure we all recognize new trends and technologies is wonderful. It's been nice hearing staff who were terrified of this and against the whole thing are now so excited about new services we can offer to the public.

Well, I was just looking at the Discussion Board, and the discussion starting about Copyright looks like it will be a very interesting discussion to watch.

I started a new discussion as well. About personal blogs invading the workplace environment. See what you think.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 10!

Well, I have big plans for my MP3 player. I joined LAFitness at the Health Fair, so I will be using my MP3 player for music and audiobooks to use at the gym. Mostly music, I suppose. I listen to so many Audiobooks in my car, that it's overwhelming. Can't wait to play with it, I've never used one before.


I can't believe that I forgot to write my comments about this movie. Too funny! There were a few more in the library done by these people. A really long computer start up noise. I really liked the spontaneous musical in the lecture hall as well. I think I'd be addicted to YouTube if I had a faster Internet connection at home and no little kids.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Week 9 - Widgets

Wow. That advanced assignment was pretty easy. I added a Widget, found on Yourminis. I added the Yahoo word of the day. Very cool.

I really like those music maps. Very different results for artists. Gonna have to look and see if we have any CD Music by some of these people. I searched for Richard Shindell and Morrissey.

Not sure where I stand on Digital Rights Management. I believe the debate should be settled by the music artists themselves. It's their property, their financial status.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Week 8 - 'Bout time I get caught up

Just in time for next week's posting.

Gotta make sure I get all this done. Just joined the gym - see previous post, and I can see use of that new MP3 player, as I don't have one.

Need to try one of those playaways now, after I buy some earbuds.

OK - Week 8. I'm being a loner with this course. I enjoy web-based learning. The self-paced aspect is great - especially since we all have certain times of day where we absorb learning better. I have discussed the course with other staff members during the course of my training weeks in other departments, but I haven't actually helped anyone with it up to this point. Many discussions regarding blogs and privacy in general, but we haven't worked on the actual coursework together. It would've been fun as a team, but my schedule at this point in time really doesn't allow for it. Maybe the next round, when my schedule is more evened out.

On to week 9...tomorrow!

Week 7 - Again

So, I got sucked into getting a membership at LAFitness at the OCLS Health Fair. Went today for my training session - what does this have to do with Web 2.0? Nothing.... Actually, I came back today and signed up for -- not that I'll ever remember my login or password, but, I can still play with it. Check it out -

Speaking of that? With all of these applications going on and introduced in the Learn 2.0 - how on earth does everyone keep track of all these logins and passwords?

Monday, June 4, 2007

Week 7 - Learn 2.0

Haven't listened to the podcast yet, but I did the Adventure.

I researched Web 2.0 applications for scrapbooking but didn't find anything that really made sense. So, then I searched for decorating. Ran across this site that lists news. There was an article talking about an upcoming, not yet released site called So, I looked at another decorating site called - it looks like it has some neat stuff in there. I can see a lot of use for the 2.0 with decorating. Tips and ideas, a good way to share crafts. Somewhere in that mashable site, I then got a link to cricket social networks, so I looked at one called to pass on to my husband.

In an unrelated move, I played with the gardening construct on the Virtual Gallery, too cute. I was working in IS when they were discussing the idea, and it came out really good.

Now, someone needs to teach me how to get those 2.0 applications to do the actual decorating work for me..... sure beats standing at the paint counter at Home Depot for 15 minutes and not having a single staff member bother to come see what I needed. Guess I'll buy paint at Lowe's. But it's so easy to paint online.... wish it were that easy IRL.

Friday, May 25, 2007


I finally found a computer that worked to create a Meez. So, here she is. I picked the cricket bat because my husband plays cricket every weekend, the dance studio because that's where I spent the first half of my life. I wanted to pick the children animation, but couldn't as they only had one child and I have two. I also wanted to have her dancing, several really fun ones, but decided to go with the bat. How fun. Too bad it eats up bandwith and knocks out computers.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Week 5

ARGH. For not having an assignment, I'm having a difficult time. OH well. This computer doesn't have the most up to date Flash player, so nothing will play. And the sound won't work, and I can't find headphones.

Guess I'll try later....

Anyone planning anything cool for Memorial Day?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Week 4

I love that video! It's thought provoking. I looked at the 2.0 award winners, checked out the personal organizing winners and found that one of them has a demo calendar to look at that shows URLs links that are completely inappropriate. What's up with that? It's an award winning site that's trying to get business.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Learn 2.0 - Week 3

Signed up for some RSS feeds - had a hard time finding any. Just used the listing on the bloglines site and picked some random blogs plus the Library Leader. Attempted to look up some using the search sites - just can't handle looking through all those results for something interesting - it appears to be worse than searching for interesting Yahoo Groups. Picked some about parenting, home organization, money management.

I am a visual learner, very movement oriented. My recall is tied to colors and recall of visual surroundings - how the words look on the printed page, where they were written on the chalkboard, etc.

Other than that, recorded my voice for the sitepal on the Learn a Language Virtual Gallery today at work - how cool!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Why I'm here - the gray line of blogging.

I guess I should point out to anyone who stumbles upon this whose not from the Library (OCLS) - the staff here is in a course to learn about Web 2.0 technology, and we're all doing blogs. Not very interesting in and of itself, but fascinating none the less. I'm very interested in the gray area between our lives where the private and personal family life merges with the public/internet/work life. I have friends who used to write about the workplace all the time in their personal blogs - where is that line? - how much is a workplace violation of privacy, how much can affect job ratings, performance, and promotion. One of my friends left her old job, and burned all her bridges on her blog - and then almost got fired at her next job for blogging about workplace issues and concerns of a personal nature. How do we manage our thoughts and words while in this global area?

Hello - it's Me.

Hi. I'm Wendy Prasad. I'm a Librarian at the Herndon Branch Library of the Orange County Library System (Florida). I'm learning about blogs. I'm married with 2 children, and I like to scrapbook (hence the scrappymommy thing, couldn't think of anything else....). Liking to scrap and getting the time to do it are 2 completely different things....Haven't actually worked on any scrapbooks in 2 years. Oh well.... Some day....